I have tried so many self-tanners in the past few months, definitely leaving a small dent in my wallet! I wanted to share my thoughts on the products that I have tried so far.
The first product I want to review is Origins
The Great Pretender. It is pretty affordable at $18.50. I really wanted this to be my go-to self-tanner, but unfortunately, it did not work wonderfully for me.
- Very pepperminty smell - I just love the smell of this lotion going on!
- Affordable
- Easy to apply - I never streaked with this tanner. It works into your skin well with a shimmery color guide
- Did not last long - I could see color the first day I put it on and the day after, but it was gone after that!
- Did not build in color - I applied this lotion EVERYDAY while in Orlando on vacation. I never saw an increase in color with daily use.
For reference: this is me in all my fair skin glory on the left, then me while using Origins The Great Pretender on the right (I also had a little switch in hair color):
Not a noticeable difference, right? I was a little disappointed! If you are looking for a VERY subtle glow and are willing to pay $18.50 a bottle, then I say go for it. However, it did not give me the color I was looking for!
Next up is
Sevin Nyne lotion. I'm sure you've heard of it as Lindsay Lohan's self tanner. It comes in a spray version also, but since I know I would make a horrible mess with it, I tend to shy away from spray self-tanners. There are many things that I like about this self-tanner, but there is one huge dislike that I will get to in my cons section.
- The smell is bearable - you will have a "smell" with this lotion, but it isn't the horrendous self-tanner smell that I've come across in the past. I'm very particular about smells, and this smell did not bother me.
- It has a very dark color guide - you pretty much have a "glow" immediately after putting it on, but this leads to my major con (see below)
- Moderately easy to apply - it is a very thick lotion, so I advise rubbing your hands together to thin it out before applying to your skin and then working into your skin with a circular motion
- The initial "glow/color guide" washes off with water!!! BEWARE self-tanning with this lotion the morning of a rainy day because you will come home with white dots all over your arms and legs. VERY embarrassing! However, one way to solve this is to apply at night and take a shower in the morning to wash off the color guide. Unfortunately, the darkest you will be on this lotion is the first day you apply it because of the color guide, so if you wash it off, you will not be as tan.
- No building of color with daily use - I'm starting to think there is something wrong with my skin holding on to the color because I have no luck so far on self-tanners building with repeated use.
- Pricey! - $35/bottle
For reference, again "white" me on the left and the day after application with Sevin Nyne on the right:
Again, there's not a huge difference in my skin color, although I feel like I got more color from Sevin Nyne than Origins.
I have many other self-tanners to review, so look for my future posts! I think I have finally found my go-to self-tanner, but I will have to wait and reveal which one it is in my last self-tanner review post. Oh the suspense!